Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Welcome friends.  Once again, I am on the hop, this one for Lammas.  We last left our intrepid writer/claims adjuster/Tarot reader/friendly neurotic, things looked rather bleak.  Luckily, I have had a very good month, reintegrated some of my healthier life habits of old, and am feeling much better.

This is one of my favorite disk cards from my first and still favorite deck, the Tarot of Transformation.  I think this one best embodies (pun intended) this last turn of the wheel for me. 

I know the usual Five of Disks pictures two people left out in the cold outside a church.  The card to the left was actually my first introduction to the Five of Disks - that of joyful release and celebration of form.

Ironically, it was my refusal to seek help, which I clearly needed - a need exemplified in a traditional Five of Pentacles card - that kept me stuck.  I learned from Nancy Antenucci that there are two religions - Love and Fear, and that you cannot serve both.  It's one of those concepts that's easy on paper but surprisingly hard in practice.  How do you know when you are serving Fear?  When does self-preservation turn into self-sabotage?  Can you even pinpoint the moment you lost your balance?  And is finding something to blame for it really that important, or is it possible to just accept you've stumbled and move on?

In all, I have reaped much wisdom these last months.  My hope is that your Lammas is offering an equally bountiful harvest to all of you.

If you did not come from there, please visit the blog before mine:

Christiana Gaudet -

Otherwise, next on the hop is:

Sandie Worthy -

If there is a break in the chain, the Master List can be found at:

(And do drop a special thanks to Kareena Narwani for herding the cats this time around.)


  1. Glad you are feeling better. :)

  2. Indeed glad, though this is my first knowing. Isn't it always thus, that what seems the evil hand of circumstance is in fact we ourselves refusing to ask for help, or becoming entrapped in our fears? Thanks for bringing in the Five of Disks to remind me to enter and ask; I have a strong tendency to forget, and thus remain out in the cold. :)

  3. Love or Fear. A hard question that deserves more thought. Thank you for an eye-opening (and heart-opening) post.

  4. When does self-preservation turn into self-sabotage? Great question. Maybe that can only be answered in hindsight, which is 20: 20! I'm all about the forgiving the stumble and moving on as best we can :-)

    Ali x

  5. A very thought provoking blog, thank you for sharing and for giving new perspective on 5 Pentacles. Brightest Blessings - Sandie x

  6. I love the Tarot of Transformation - and I love this card particularly.

    Glad you are feeling better!

  7. Fear can cause you to do things you wouldn't normally do... fear of a stigma, fear of revealing what you are truly feeling.... fear has a lot to answer for, if you give into it. Glad to hear you're feeling better!

  8. Love and Fear. Exactly! I hadn't heard it worded quite that way, but it's something I've been thinking about a lot over the last few months.
