Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Celebrate the Sunrise

Hi all!  Welcome back to the Tarot Blog Hop arranged, this time, by Chloë McCracken (  This month's topic is "Celebrate the Sunrise" and centered around Litha, the longest day of the year. 

This is also probably the shortest blog I've ever done.  I thought of doing a spread or waxing poetic about the many sunrises and sunsets I've seen, but then this has found me at least five times over the last month, and considering I'd never seen it before, I've decided the Litha message that wishes to speak through me is simply this:

Keep looking

at the bandaged place.

That's where

the Light enters you.

-- Rumi

Be grateful for your wounds, my friends.

If the chain is broken, please visit:

For the master list.

Hopefully, you arrived here via Donna L. Faber:

To continue the hop, please visit Teresa Deak:

Until next time, be strong, and embrace the light that comes in through your cracks.


  1. Good blog posts don't have to be long, Melanie, and you proved it with this one. Thanks for sharing it with us and have a fantastic Solstice! :)

  2. I love this quote and what a fantastic message to send out today! Also very timely now that the earth's energy will, from today onwards, begin returning to itself for rest and regeneration during the winter period :)

  3. Lovely little post! Thank you!

    Ali x

  4. Thank you for the arrow of clarity, the beauty of poetry!

  5. Nothing deceptive about rockin' simplicity . . . except the breadth and scale of the whole world it creates. :-) Thanks for this multi-carat jewel of a blog. It feels to find its own natural setting well.

  6. Frickin' A, Melanie. This was stunning. I feel cracked open. Thank you.

  7. Sunrise reminds me of what the Dalai Lama said, "...the mere quality of clarity and knowing-our consciousness- is the nature of which we seek to understand". Lovely blog...

  8. I';ll have to look at bandages in a different way from now on, thanks Melanie!! :)
